
Never Give Up (Ever) - A handmade T-shirt, a story and a prayer

Sunday 3 May 2015

Hi, friends! It's morning, not sunny here in London - how surprising, I know - but the sun is out there helping to keep our faith strong. We all feel under the weather sometimes, we become ill or terrible accidents happen, but life spins and revolves continuously. We merely take a moment to contemplate, some of us say a prayer too, but then we all go back to what we were doing. It's amazing how everything changes and everything stays the same.

Yesterday, a man passed away at the gym where we were, just like that, training. He isn't here anymore. Over 6,000 were gone too in the recent earthquake in Nepal, and millions of people fight diseases and terrible conditions every second. One brings a baby into this world, one opens a photo album and remembers all the good times are eternally somewhere. Life is now, so fragile, but complete.

When the noise of thought, doubt and fear ceases, we find something everlasting in our hearts, something that's always peaceful and stays the same. Compassion, friendliness, hope are beyond making sense, they just feel right.

I made a commitment to myself to say a prayer each morning and each evening (hope troughout the day too). It can be in the form of positive thinking, meditation, painting, dancing, smiling or anything really - even making breakfast - as long as it's the soul creating the intentions, not the ego.

Dear One or I and I or God - what's in a name, right?! - I am doing this right now because I celebrate life. Thanks for being and making all of this possible. I wish joy and laughter to each of us!

Edited: We went to our first Handmade Fair here in London, just as visitors for now, we had cake and sat next to a lady who admired the T-shirt Sean was wearing (the Never Give Up, Ever showcased here), she started to tell us her story and a few magic minutes later she ordered the same T-shirt for her six months old great-grandson. I even got paid, just like that. 

On my way back I told the story over and over again in my head, just as I imagined I would write it here, but I swear I can't seem to put it into words. It was so natural, as if we went there specifically to meet. And guess what, it was her first fair, too.

I also met a whole bunch of talented people, smiled a lot and came home flying. Good night, friends. Prayer, repeat.

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